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Organic Kula-N Nitrogen Biofertilizer Is Now Available in New England! Click Here to Buy Now

Our Impact

Sustainable agriculture

We’re here for farmers

We provide tools that enable productive, profitable agriculture as well as the continued stewardship of your land.

Enhanced Nutrient Efficiency

Nutrient loss from traditional nitrogen into neighboring waterways represents both a waste of expensive fertilizer, as well as a significant impact on the environment. Kula Bio’s biofertilizer does better. Our product produces meaningful amounts of nitrogen in the soil, but only when the plant needs it. The result is less chance of run-off or waste.

Sustaining All Crops

Our biofertilizer is crop agnostic and provides the benefits of traditional nitrogen for both conventional and organic farming. We can replace up to 50% of your nitrogen demand. Our Agronomy team can make a recommendation based on your current production practices and yield goals.

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Agriculture is intimately tied to the environment

Kula Bio's biofertilizer works to reduce climate impacts stemming from both the production and use of agricultural fertilizers.

Reducing Emissions

Synthetic nitrogen relies heavily on unsustainable fossil-fuels. It’s production is one of the largest source of emissions and energy consumption of any industrial chemical process in the world. Kula Bio’s process eliminates the need to burn fossil fuels to turn energy into fertilizer. Instead, we capture carbon as microbial biomass headed for the soil.

Building Soil Health

Kula Bio cultivates pure cultures of non-pathogenic and non-genetically modified bacteria to produce biofertilizer, building healthier, more productive soil naturally. When the bacteria that produce our nitrogen run out of energy, they contribute to this process by feeding the soil microbiome.

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Get In Touch

Contact our team of agronomists to learn more about Kula Bio.